The 'Mirrorless Haircut' - What is it?

Published 15th May 2024 by chloe

Not Another Salon brings to us, the ‘Mirrorless Haircut’. For those that have self-confidence issues, looking back at themselves for the duration of a hair appointment can be damaging to their self-esteem. A client's salon experience is supposed to lift them, yet many leave the salon feeling less confident after hours of painstakingly picking themselves apart.

What is the ‘Mirrorless Haircut’?

The service will be exactly the same, minus staring at themselves for hours! Founder, Sophia Hilton says: “People don’t know this, but the mirror is not for the client, it is for the hairdresser. If you rewind back to the time where clients would have their hair set, teasing out a balanced look was a very important part, therefore the hairdresser needed the mirror’s support to do this. Fast forward to the geometric cutting era of the 60’s with Vidal Sassoon and the mirror became an integral part of the hairdressing process. However, trends have now changed. Long hair and colour is more prevalent, so the need for the mirror has massively decreased. It’s actually not uncommon for a colour specialist salon to do colour services at the mirror-less table. I imagine for 80% of the services, you could remove the mirror completely.”

Why offer this service?

Sophia says: “From a scientific point of view, we are six times more likely to remember the negative than the positive, so no matter how fabulous that final ‘reveal’ moment is, it is never going to replace the hours our client might have sat and picked apart their perceived imperfections. The ‘Mirrorless Haircut’ eliminates that.” Not Another Salon prides itself on being a safe space with a ‘no judgment policy’, because of this they often have clients with mental health issues, neurotypical minds and low self-esteem. They created the world’s first ‘Silent Haircut’, so the ‘Mirrorless Haircut’ takes things one step further!

So why now?

For years clients have complained about having mirrors in the salon, so why is it that we still work in a room full of reflections? The answer is actually in geometry. The ‘Mirrorless Haircut’ is really easy to book, all you do is call Not Another Salon, book your normal service but request the ‘Mirrorless Haircut’ option. Your service will be exactly the same, minus staring at yourself for hours!” Sophia explains.

What do you think of the ‘Mirrorless Haircut’? It’s interesting to see how the hairdressing industry evolves as we discover more about ourselves and collectively invest more time in our wellbeing!

Don't forget to keep up to date with our Mental Health Awareness Week Schedule here.



Published 15th May 2024

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