How to create 1940s victory rolls that will never go out of style

Published 08th May 2020 by laurahusband
How to create 1940s victory rolls that will never go out of style 1940s Victory Rolls is a style that will never go out of fashion. Victory Rolls were born in an iconic era for hairdressing and are one of the most recognisable hairstyles. They have been written in history as a reminder of the strength and determination shown by women during World War II. Friday 8 May 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of VE Day and experimenting with creating a modern-day version of the iconic Victory Rolls is the perfect way to mark the occasion. Hair historian Rachael Gibson says: “During  World War II, more women than ever were recruited into manual labour. This meant they were wearing their hair in practical and safe hairstyles that wouldn’t get caught in machinery or otherwise get in the way. The Victory Roll became a trend thanks to its combination of glamour and practicality. Hair was worn swept up off the face with detailed rolls at the front to add an elegant touch that could peek out of a hair net or headscarf.” She adds: "The concept of hairstyles borne out of necessity and the need for a practical solution still resonates today, as we search for styles that we can easily replicate at home to look and feel our best during a time of crisis – and those that allow us to hide roots or style grown-out cuts."

Here's how to create 1940s Victory Rolls that will never go out of style

Brooke Evans has provided her modern take on the Victory Roll which she has recreated using Kent Salon brushes. Step 1: After waving the hair, use a brush such as the Kent Salon KSo4 Back Combing/Dressing Out brush to section a front panel of the hair. Step 1 Step 2: Backcomb the hair from mid-way up the hair's length using strong downward strokes and compressing to the head. Brook recommends using a brush instead of a comb such as the Kent KSO4 because it gives a softer result, will hold for longer and is easier to remove afterwards. Step 2 Step 3: Smooth all the edges to create a more polished feel with the backcomb remaining in the middle. Once in place use your fingers, spray and smooth along the hair shaft twisting the hair allowing it to fall into a Victory Roll. Step 3 Brooke’s top tip: “Allow the hair to fall the way it wants to - not making it go a certain way will add to the overall look.” Step 4 Step 4: Use a setting clip to hold in place. Pull small amounts out to feel more modern and spray in place. Finally, remove the clip and add a few discreet grips for extra hold. Step 5


Published 08th May 2020

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