How to Balance Your Time as a Salon Owner and Stylist

Published 15th Nov 2023 by Josie Jackson

It’s not uncommon for a hairdresser to continue to run a column while also running their salon business, although this does present the challenge of time management. So, to help you succeed in your business endeavours, we spoke to some successful industry figures to hear how they manage their time efficiently while working as a salon owner and stylist…

Reducing the number of days working as a stylist is a popular approach, and one that Katie Mulcahy, owner of Paint & Powder, can attest to. She says: “I’m definitely still learning how best to balance my time ­– having two children, a business and a team to support – but so far, I find what works for me is working a four-day week. This gives me time at home with my family while also allowing me to focus on the business.” Discussing how she then splits her time between working as a stylist and carrying out her responsibilities as a business owner, she continues: “I now book myself out time from my column to work on admin tasks and to plan ahead.”

Danilo Giangreco, owner of Danilo Hair Boutique, agrees that cutting back your days as a stylist is an effective approach, sharing: “Usually I tend to do three full days behind the chair looking after clients, one day to catch up with paperwork or meetings, which then leaves one day for my creative projects or planning education for myself and the team.”

Samantha Cusick, owner of Samantha Cusick London and Stã Studios, echoes similar thoughts on time-blocking. Explaining how she implements this approach, she says: “I begin by identifying my top priorities, including salon appointments, business tasks, client consultations, and any ambassador commitments. I then create a detailed schedule that allocates specific time blocks for each responsibility.” By assessing the priority of each task, Samantha also explains how she is able to turn to her team for support when it comes to certain salon-based responsibilities. However, she also acknowledges that running a business can often present unforeseen challenges, adding: “I also block out buffer time to allow me to handle any unexpected salon issues.

To make scheduling work for her business, Karen Thomson, owner of KAM Hair & Body Spa and Aveda Artistic Team Member, explains how she always starts her week by preparing her schedule, noting: “In this, I also like to include goals for the week that I want myself and my team to accomplish.” In fact, staying organised can have a big impact on a business’ success, with Katie adding: “I can’t achieve the growth I’m aiming for without allowing myself time to switch off.”

Josie Jackson

Josie Jackson

Published 15th Nov 2023

Josie supports the team with content for the print magazine, website and social media channels at HJ. Having grown up in a salon environment (thanks to her hairdresser mum) and even working as a Saturday girl before getting her degree in English Literature, Josie feels right at home in the industry. Although she’s experimented with a few creative colour looks in the past, she always comes back to blonde, and loves all things hydrating and bond building.

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