Caring for pregnant clients in the salon
19th Oct 2018
by akesha

Salon Consultations with Pregnant Clients
Many women find that their hair changes a great deal during pregnancy; some may find it's in its best ever condition, others may find it changes unrecognisably. A complete consultation is key for successful and satisfactory results.- During pregnancy hair may not shed at its normal rate, which can leave clients boasting thick, lustrous, feel-good hair.
- However some may find that their hair is unusually oily, prone to breakage, or even that the texture has changed completely.
- Whichever category your client falls into, it's important to give a thorough consultation at each appointment throughout the pregnancy.
- Remember that with potential weight gain and water retention, your client's face shape may change, and they may also experience a flushed complexion (the baby bloom), which will need to be considered with any colour services.
- Don't forget to offer your clients practical advice for taking care of their hair after the pregnancy too. They may not have much time to themselves, and may have to wait longer to return to the salon.
Colour Services for Pregnant Clients
- One of the most hotly debated issues surrounding hair and pregnancy is the safety of colour services, and opinions are divided between those who believe them to be entirely safe, those who avoid it all together, and every option in between.
- Talk through all the options with your client, and suggest she speaks to her GP or midwife first if she has any doubts, or has sensitive skin, has reacted in the past, or an underlying medical issue.
- Don't forget that skin tests are vital, as hormone changes can cause heightened sensitivity to ingredients. Skin test with the exact colour you're going to use; that way there's no room for error.
- If in doubt, suggest an off-scalp colour - such as highlights or balayage - or consider a gentle refresher colour treatment, rather than an all-over application.
- Perms are largely considered safe during pregnancy after the first trimester, although it's worth bearing in mind that changes in hair texture may impact on the results.
- There is no conclusive research regarding the safety of keratin treatments and pregnancy, but, if in doubt, encourage your client to speak to a medical professional before any service.
- Sitting still for a couple of hours can be a test for any client, let alone one who's pregnant. Make them feel comfortable with cushions, a reclining seat and footrest, and ensure that there is space for them to get up and walk around as often as they need.
- During pregnancy women may feel hot. Be mindful of this when choosing where to sit your client, as all salons have warmer or cooler areas.
- Make sure she has a drink, and is not too constricted by protective salon gear, but ensure her clothes are still covered.
Post-Pregnancy Hairdressing Services
- Once your client has had her baby, it can take up to six months for her hair to return to normal - it's important to reassure her that although this can be distressing, it's very common.
- Continue to reassess her hair at each appointment after the pregnancy, with a thorough consultation, styling advice, and product suggestions for any continuing changes.