5 ways to get involved in helping hairdressers week
31st May 2019
Helping Hairdressers Week is a six day charity event, dedicated to raising funds to help people in the hairdressing industry throughout the country.
The charity has evolved from the success of Helping Hairdressers Day. From donating a percentage of sales, to wearing a heart pin for the price of £5, or even just dressing in purple - every purple reminder on our feed helps to raise money for those who need it.
The organisers of the event encourage salons, brands, freelancers, session stylists and other industry players to get involved from 3rd to 8th June and you can keep them posted on Instagram using #HelpingHairdressersWeek and @thehairdresserscharity.
And here are some ideas how to raise funs.
1. Decorate the salon
Why not give your salon a purple makeover for the week! Purple balloons, purple towels could give a refreshing purple change to your usual salon look. It could might spin the conversation and bring more awareness and donations to the cause.
2. Wear your heart pin
A classic way to show your support for the charity, would be
purchasing a purple heart pin. For £5 a pin, this inexpensive and stylish way to help hairdressers around the world.
3. Make some purple snacks
Instead of complimentary coffee and biscuits, you could offer your clients purple snacks for a small donation. A
lavender lemonade and
purple popcorns will not only help, but it will also make a welcome change for your clients.
4. Donate a percentage of sales
For all your purple packaged products sold throughout the week, donate a percentage of this to supporting the charity - an easy way to get involved.
5. Purple hair day
The last one is for the brave. A purple hair day, sponsored by friends and family, will make a significant statement and you will also be on trend with the summary creative colour vibes.
For more information call 01234 831888 or send The Hairdressers Charity an email.