Vish Colour Management Conducts Survey to Analyse Salon Pricing

Published 03rd May 2024 by Talana Sodiwala

Vish Colour Management have decided to carry out an ambitious survey on colour pricing. Thousands of stylists and salon owners have already signed up, highlighting the desire for a detailed analysis and understanding of pricing within the industry.

The results of the survey will provide valuable insights informing professionals on how they can improve their business strategies. The overall aim it to see how pricing translates into profit and to find new methods to increase profitability.

If you want to learn more about pricing strategies, why not check out our handy guide here?

With the survey closing in June, Vish Colour Management is keen to get even more people to take part.

Managing Director of Vish EMEA, Tom Bentley-Taylor said: “We want this to be the biggest, non-manufacturer linked survey of colour charging ever carried out so that we can help salons and colourists ensure they are charging the best price for their talented services.” Tom added: "We decided to fund this wide-ranging investigation to see what pricing models lead to greater security and growth and to help guide profit growth within colour.”

The short questionnaire developed by Vish is designed to scrutinise variances in pricing within similar businesses across the world and to investigate how colour costs can affect profits made.

Those that have already filled in the survey have received instant anonymous results on what others are charging, nationally and regionally. Once the colour pricing survey has been fully completed, they will also receive the results from it.

Have you heard of Cowboy Copper, the latest colour trend to take salons by storm? You can find out more here.

Talana Sodiwala

Talana Sodiwala

Published 03rd May 2024

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