The Big Debate: Do your Clients Still Tip?

Published 15th Jul 2024 by Sian Jones

Two stylists discuss the changes to the way clients tip.

Andrew Smith, owner of Andrew Smith Salons says yes...

"For years stylists have relied on their tips for many reasons. Some save them all year to help pay for Christmas whilst others use them to pay for their lunches every day. I have friends who aren’t hairdressers who always ask me why I tip and my answer is always that it’s a habit, and I've always appreciated the kind gesture.

"I find that the majority of my clients are still tipping, however most now prefer to tip using their card because they don’t carry cash with them. This creates problems for the salon because anything that goes through the card terminal has to be declared for VAT deductions and then the transaction charge also needs to be deducted. If a client tips our stylist they receive the tip in full, but the salon pays those fees so it costs the salon money. On the other side, if a client pays with cash it is now difficult to give the stylists their tips if there’s not enough cash in the till.

"We have resolved this by using a tipping tool, where we have a QR code on display for clients to scan and leave the individual stylist a tip, which goes straight to their bank account. I believe clients still want to tip their hairdressers because they appreciate them. Our industry is still very unique in its tipping habits, it's notlike going to a restaurant where you’re expected to tip - in the salon, clients choose to tip their stylist. It may be the connection they have and the fact they can talk about anything in their life, or because they have been visiting for years and they trust their stylist with their hair. Clients giving tips in the salon is a real gesture of appreciation."

Danielle Susan, freelance hairdresser says no ... 

“I’ve been a qualified hairdresser for four years and decided to go self-employed after the pandemic as many of my clients were asking if I did mobile hair because they weren't comfortable returning to a busy salon. My regular clients who I have known for years still tip me, but since becoming an independent stylist in 2021 I’ve noticed that I am not tipped as much as when I was behind the chair in a salon. A lot of people are struggling at the moment because of the cost-of-living crisis so I do understand that people cannot afford to tip, and culturally, the UK isn’t as forthcoming when it comes to tipping.

"I think tips are a great incentive for the assistants and apprentices that keep salons running smoothly, and I always really appreciated every tip I got for shampooing and looking after clients when I was on a three pound an hour apprentice wage almost 10 years ago.

"Now that I'm a qualified hairdresser who is building up their clientele and business, tips are still very much appreciated but having clients return to me is much more rewarding, especially now I’m self-employed.

"I understand that when people are paying for their hair in a busy salon there can be an overwhelming feeling of pressure to tip because the receptionist and stylist are standing over the till.

"My clients know I would never judge them for not tipping, I would always want them to know I love doing their hair regardless of a tip!”

Sian Jones

Sian Jones

Published 15th Jul 2024

Sian is Editor Modern Barber and Deputy Editor Hairdressers Journal International. She has over ten years’ experience writing for print publications covering Youth & Children, TV & Entertainment and Lifestyle. Sian graduated with a degree in journalism, and whilst studying was nominated for the Guardian Digital Journalist of the Year award in 2011.

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