Janet Maitland’s legacy of care lives on in south africa

It is just over a year since we heard of Durham hairdresser Janet Maitland's passing, but her nearest and dearest are determined to keep her legacy alive. Two of her friends, Pat Johnson and Sue Curry, have found a way to keep her philanthropic actions going.
Pat and Sue have planted an Olive Tree and plaque in Cape Town, South Africa to commemorate their friend and all that she did for women and children. Such as using her title as HJ's Business Director of the Year at HJ's 2018 British Hairdressing Business Awards to promote the volunteer work she completed for Schwarzkopf Professional Shaping Futures.
Janet’s tree is planted at the Goedgedacht Olive Peace Grove, situated at the foot of the Kasteelberg mountains in the Swartland. The olive grove is helping to finance a pathway out of poverty for children of the region. The grove is on a farm called Goedgedacht — which means “good ideas” — and it was the first income source for the Path Out of Poverty (POP) programme.
The Goedgedacht Trust has created centres where children and young people from the neighbouring farms and small towns can play sport, do homework, improve their social skills and eat a nutritious meal with vegetables from gardens on Goedgedacht.
On 5 March at 10:30 am, Janet Maitland’s name will be read out in memory at the dedication service of the most recent plaques at the grove.
“The money raised from the harvested, or pressed, olives goes towards helping children who have been abandoned and women who have been abused. Janet was always the first to help those in need and her memory and legacy is now able to live on through continuing to help those in need,” commented Janet’s widower, Peter McDermott.
Janet Maitland's passing came as sad news for us all, but it is heartwarming to see her friends continue in her footsteps, after a life dedicated to caring for those in need.