Do you need to be a people pleaser to be a good hairdresser?
03rd Jul 2021

Business consultant Phil Jackson from Build Your Salon discusses whether you need to be a people pleaser to be a good hairdresser and if so, does that mean all opinions count.
Is being a people pleaser stopping you from being a good hairdresser?
Being a hairdresser is unique as there aren’t many industries where your job, your career, your very success relies on the fact you can form an intimate relationship very quickly and maintain that friendly relationship with a client over a long period of time.
The problem is that we reach a level of success where being a people-pleaser can start to hold us back. I recently took a phone call from another salon coach and we chatted for about an hour and a half. He'd come across my work in the past and made one tiny throw away comment during our conversation. He probably didn’t mean anything by it and I don't think there was malice behind it, but it had a real impact on me. He said "I didn’t expect to like you".
Don't be swayed by a throwaway comment
That tiny little comment is what stayed with me after. I started to replay it, lying in bed that night wondering what I was doing wrong that makes people switch off. I wondered about the content of my writing and my videos because I always share with an open heart and my intention is always that you have a stronger business because of our time together.
Nearly a week later I kind of had to give myself a metaphorical slap around the face and to remind myself that actually the
only opinion that matters is that of your marketplace. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks – certainly not your competitor.
This guy is not and will never be my client. He’s not
you – he’s not my audience.
So I'm not sure who needs to hear this, but I’m giving you full permission to ignore as many opinions about your business as you would like from now on! Learn from my week of paranoia!
There are people out there who would try and tell you that you are too ambitious, there are people out there who will tell you the things that you are striving for are beyond you or are unrealistic, or maybe that you don’t even deserve them.
Those are the kinds of opinions that will hold you back and trying to please those people will destroy your success. They aren’t coming from a place of harm, they’re not trying to hurt you – in fact the opposite; they are trying to keep you safe and it’s uncomfortable for people to watch you change.
Recognise the fear in others – then ignore them!
For more information about Phil Jackson go to