Confusion over government guidance and law for visors in england
17th May 2021
by laurahusband

The official government guidance in England for face masks and visors has not changed
The confusion comes from the fact the law no longer uses the words visor/goggles. However, the official Coronavirus Government Guidance for England still explicitly states both Type II face masks and face visors/goggles should be worn together to protect the team and clients. Click here for the latest Close Contact Services Government Guidance in England from Monday 17 May.Face visors/goggles should still be worn within hair, barber and beauty businesses based in England
This means despite a slight change of wording within the law, both Type II face masks and face visors/goggles should be worn together within close contact settings as stated within the Government Guidance for England. The official UK Government Guidance states in its latest update for England that applies from Monday 17 May onwards: "Where you’re already using PPE in your work activity to protect against non-COVID-19 risks, you should continue to do so. The person providing a service (such as hairdressers or beauticians) should take precautions because of the period of time spent in close proximity to a person’s face, mouth and nose. This should take the form of a clear visor/goggles and a Type II face mask. A Type II face mask is a medical face mask. It is made from a protective 3-ply construction. This prevents large particles from reaching the client or working surfaces. Clear visors cover your face. Typically, they provide a barrier between you and the client from droplets spread by:- sneezing
- coughing
- speaking"
The Department for Business, Energy and Industry Strategy (BEIS) has confirmed that, according to Government guidance, visors, as well as face coverings are still strongly recommended for hair and beauty professionals until further notice. The wearing of both is still expressly mentioned in the priority actions and the PPE sections of the latest safe working guidance. This is the guidance that will be in effect at Step 3 from next Monday 17 May.If you or a member of your team is desperate to stop wearing a face visor/goggles and wishes to use the slight amend in wording within the law to do this, you should contact your local authority before doing so because the official Government Guidance has not changed so this could still be used against you. The NHBF reported on its website that in several England local authorities enforcement officers are continuing to enforce the use of visors and goggles and will take action against you if you are not using them. Click here if you would like to find your local authority and get in touch with them directly to see whether you could be fined for not wearing a visor/goggles in your area.
What changes have been made to England's Coronavirus Government Guidance from Monday 17 May?
There are some changes from Monday 17 May that will benefit clients and those working in close contact services, including hair salons, barbershops and beauty salons. The guidance states:“When step 3 comes into force (due to start no earlier than 17 May) you will be able to provide reading materials such as newspapers and magazines in client waiting areas. You will be able to provide refreshments in line with the guidance for restaurants, pubs, and bars.”Click here for more information on the changes taking place from Monday 17 May.