Blackdog haircutters avoids barbershop stereotypes

Published 02nd Nov 2013 by bathamm
Blackdog haircutters avoids barbershop stereotypes Blackdog Haircutters When Guy Clarke and Helena Newman-Mitchell opened their first barbershop they were determined to avoid the stereotype whitewashed and wall-wall-mirrors look of so many salons and barbershops. “Blackdog set out to change perceptions,” says Helena. “We wanted to create and anti-hairdresser look and vibe. The atmosphere at Blackdog is very informal and this has been transcended into the décor. We wanted to create a space that people actually looked forward to visiting – somewhere they felt at ease with their stylist.” The bespoke look of the space is complemented by the building that houses it – a grade ll listed townhouse. “Whatever we uncovered during the refit that was original, we made every effort to keep,” said Helena. [hji-gallery-legacy] Asked to name the most interesting feature in the salon and Helena is hard pushed to single any out. “Wherever you look there is something on display that you did not see the last time you came in. If I had to pick a favourite it would be the mural which sweeps up the staircase to the third floor. It was created by a final year art student called Sam Brookes who Guy befriended.” FACT FILE Name: Blackdog Haircutters Address: 42 Church Street, Falmouth, Cornwall Owners: Helena Newman-Mitchell & Guy Clarke Clientele: a real mix of university students, locals and tourists Styling stations: 8 Budget: £20k but ended up spending £40k Financing: self-financed


Published 02nd Nov 2013

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