5 easy ways to retain good staff and star talent in the salon
01st Feb 2019
by charlottegw
After you put in the time, effort and investment to hire the best employees possible, you need to keep them satisfied. Here are Liz McKeon’s top five ways to retain salon staff.
1. Get to know your staff
Always greet people by their name, letting them know that you know exactly who they are and that you value their contribution to your company. Ask for all of your employee’s input when compiling your company’s rules or changes that need to be made on the salon floor and encourage your team to set goals.
2. Be clear on your expectations
Make your expectations and goals for individual employees clear. Job descriptions clarify what is required of employees, but it is crucial that you communicate any changes directly, clearly and regularly. Your best employees will want to please you, but to do that, they will need to know what is required of them and how to go above and beyond.
3. Create an open work environment
Give feedback and really listen with empathy to the concerns of your employees. Chance meetings in the staff room where social greetings are exchanged are good, but do not take the place of actually sitting down face-to-face and discussing work-related problems. Always listen to new ideas and accept suggestions for problem solving. Be available and open when your employees ask for guidance. Never let rumours take over – keep your top talent informed about what is happening within your salon.
4. Provide opportunities to learn
Let your employees know there is room for them to grow in your salon and progress in their careers. Give challenging and stimulating work and tap into an individual’s passion as this will allow them to focus their time and energy on exciting projects they can enjoy. Always let your team members know what career development plans you may have for them and what opportunities are available for them to grow with the salon.
5. Recognise and reward good work
Monetary bonuses are always well-received, but recognition of a job well done goes a long way to creating good will and loyalty. Recognition needs to be specific so saying ‘good job’ is acceptable, but saying ‘good job with that colour correction’ is better. In order to retain talent, you must make your team feel appreciated, respected and worthwhile. Everyone needs to feel their contributions to your business are important. Any feedback or praise you provide needs to be sincere.
And here are Liz’s quick motivational tips...
It is easier and more efficient to retain good staff than to recruit new members of the team. There are three categories to consider for motivating people: power, achievement and relationships.
Power motivated employees: These employees love being in charge. They have a sense of control over the salon and they enjoy making decisions and stepping up to difficult tasks.
Achievement motivated employees: These types of employees are excited by major goals. They enjoy working hard and feel a rush of success when they achieve set targets.
Relationship motivated employees: These employees want everyone to get along. They dislike and avoid conflict, want to be liked and respected and help to keep the team together.
Liz McKeon is a business coach, trainer and mentor who specialises in the hair salon Industry. For details about upcoming events, business seminars and industry workshops go to lizmckeon.com or call 0035318928007.
This article first appeared in the January issue of Hairdressers Journal.