The power of language within a salon business

Published 09th Oct 2014 by bathamm
The power of language within a salon business 7 Types of Salon Client and How to Handle ThemChoosing the right language for the right situation in the salon can make a huge difference to the result you get. Here salon management consultant Ryan Fox focuses on how stylists can make a difference by using the right language with clients. Words are the building blocks for how we communicate, form ideas and shape the world so it’s really important we choose the right words if we want to positively influence a situation. Words don’t just influence the receiver of the information - the client in this situation - but also influence the flow of the deliverer  - the stylist -  in what they are going to say next and what naturally follows on. Be more direct Many people think that the way to get your client spending more money with you is by using tricks and techniques that get them to agree to things that they don’t really want. Because this can seem underhand, it puts many stylists off because they want a genuine and honest relationship with their clients  - and rightly so. The reality is however, clients want you to be more direct and rather than beating around the bush they want you to be upfront and open. That includes using more direct language especially when suggesting extra, upgrades, recommendations and retail. Active listening It’s not about the amount of words you use, but about the quality of the words you choose. This not only steers the conversation in the right direction but also allows for time for the client to speak and respond. Getting the right result is as much about listening as it is about talking. To get the best results though you must listen actively. This means really listening to what the client is saying and then filtering the information into what needs a response and what just needs a sympathetic ear. Once you have filtered out what needs a response, repeat back to them the key points and convert that into positive solutions that you can provide. Don’t try and solve all their problems, but focus on the ones you are there to deal with, which are the ones about how they manage and care for their hair. Talk is cheap One of the best things about choosing to use the right language is that it’s free. Apart from learning what words to use and putting in some time to practice, the act of delivery is free. There are no marketing costs, discount costs or wasted opportunities lost so it’s worth spending some time working with your team to get it right. Practice Like most things, it doesn’t just happen by talking about it. You have to make changes to the language you use, try out some new words and phrases and practice until you get better at it. Have some fun with it and don’t take it too seriously. I’m not suggesting you say anything that will upset the client, so don’t be afraid to try out some new ways of communicating and enjoy seeing yourself getting results. Set phrases stylists can pick up and use You need a starting point to kick things off so come up with some set words and phrases that stylists can use in different scenarios that will have a positive impact. Think about the different points in the client journey, decide what your ideal outcome is for each and tailor language that will help you to achieve that desired outcome. Ryan Fox is a hair and beauty salon consultant who improves salon performance through training and innovation. His latest course for stylists is The Power of Language and is available at


Published 09th Oct 2014


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