Motivational factors

Published 22nd Apr 2013 by jaynelo
Motivational factors So what makes a great team? Different skill sets will certainly be needed dependent upon the profession of the team,  but the one absolute requirement is that to succeed, the team need to share one, common vision.

Winning teams are made up of individuals who each bring their own unique skill set to the job in hand and when it works well, a mix of complimentary personalities that gel together, regardless of their sometimes diverse backgrounds. Shared professional values and mutual accountability are also needed together with clearly articulated policies to avoid any misunderstanding or unfairness. Individual performance targets and goals that link directly to the united purpose of the team and ultimately the business will also ease any tensions and if a reward and recognition system is in place that can be accessed by all team members - regardless of age or experience - all the better.

A profession as creative as hairdressing attracts a wide range of personality types and this brings with it the need to understand what incentivises people to work hard. For some, the artistic opportunities offered with shoots and stage appearances will appeal; others will want to embrace the business aspects of running a salon and some will be happy running a busy column with a high return rate and excellent average bill. The skill for the salon manager is recognising these motivators and acting on them.


PS And if you think your team or manager are the best in the business, click here


Published 22nd Apr 2013


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