Central joshua galvin photographic competition celebrates vintage fashion
25th Sep 2014

The appeal of vintage fashions shows no sign of dwindling if this year’s, Central Joshua Galvin Photographic Hairdressing Awards, sponsored by Wella Professionals is anything to go by.
Now in its 10
th year, the competition attracted more entries than ever before and produced the highest standard of work ever seen, according to the organisers. Entrants to all categories were asked to create look with a vintage theme.
HJ’s deputy editor Matthew Batham, who was a member of the judging panel, said: “I was so impressed by the creativity and attention to detail shown by the students. They exhibited the ability to follow a brief and add their own twist to it which is not easy to do, even for the most experienced stylist.”
A few of the strongest trends coming through this year were victory rolls, first seen in the 1940s, beehives of all shapes and sizes and short bold shapes from men worn with full beards.
Martin Kolton, managing director of Central Hairdressing Academy and the Joshua Galvin Academy was thrilled by the high level of interest show in the competition.
"We had more entries than ever before and I think this was our best competition ever," he said. "The standard of work stunned the judges and we got an amazing response from the packed audience who saw the final show at the Wella World Studio in London."
And the winners were...
Commercial 1
st Year: Evie Wade, Avant Garde, Harlow
Bridal/Prom 1
st Year: Melissa Chapman, Ciente
Birdal/Prom 2
nd Year: Pepa Georgieva, Michaljohn
Bridal/Prom 3
rd Year: Charlotte Mann, Alter Ego, Colchester
Men’s Image: Paige Whalley, Secrets, Wickford
Latest Fashion 2
nd Year: Carlo Avena, HOB Camden
Avant Garde: Verity Brooks, Alter Ego, Colchester
Winner of the Joshua Galvin Cup: Maya Robinson-Nugent, HOB Camden