Look out for this rising star at the l'oréal color trophy grand final

Published 24th May 2018 by akesha
Look out for this rising star at the l'oréal color trophy grand final Taylor Clayton Spicer colour technician at Paul Edmonds London won the London regional L’Oréal Colour Trophy 2018 Rising Star Award, taking her through to the grand final on the 4 June 2018. Taylor's objective for the look was to create something that was different, experimental, conceptual in the sense of technology and a statement colour that encapsulated a brighter summer tone. The model had natural blond base 8 virgin hair to create the colour transformation Taylor completed a virgin application of high lift tint, using high lift ash (Majirel), then used Yellow Sun, Sunset Coral and Clear the the L’Oréal Professionnel #COLORFULHAIR range to create ultimately the seamless yellow. L’Oréal Professionnel Smartbond was used throughout the application to ensure that hair was still in great condition and L’Oréal Professionnel chromative clear was applied at the end of the colour service to give the ultimate shine and finish. Taylor said; "I wanted the colour and hair quality to be the ultimate story so working with Matilda I wanted the styling to be elegant and simple. What everyone should be wearing right now which is a sleek smooth centre parting for easy maintenance and maximum fashion effect!" The L'Oréal Color Trophy Grand Final will take place on the 4 June


Published 24th May 2018

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