This is why patch testing hair is so important
07th Jan 2020
by akesha

Patch testing for hair colour is a legal requirement under section 3 of the Health and Safety at Work Act and failure to patch test has previously led to prosecution and fines.Do you skip the patch test and get the client to sign a disclaimer? When you ask a client to sign a disclaimer you believe your client is signing away the right to take legal action against you for any injury following a treatment you have performed as it was their choice to not have a patch test and take the risk. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Patch testing for hair colour is a legal requirement under section 3 of the Health and Safety at Work Act and failure to patch test has previously led to prosecution and fines In addition to this you cannot exclude liability for death or personal injury in a consumer contract. This is laid down by statute. You would need to show that the contract had been negotiated and that the customer had understood what they were agreeing to and as they are not a trained beautician you cannot prove that they truly understood the risk involved in not having a patch test. How does an average person know how serious the reaction could be if they were allergic to the product? There have been cases of people losing their life. A disclaimer seeking to avoid or limit your liability for anything that goes wrong is a waste of paper - the best it can do is to 'put off' a poorly informed customer who is not aware of their legal rights. With beauty injuries being the current focus of the "no win no fee" solicitors their advertisements are screaming out that you can still claim even if you signed a disclaimer. In summary, if a professional person acts unprofessionally in doing something that is against good practice then it is an unfair contract for the client to sign a disclaimer form and could not be used in a court of law. This means you would be found to have acted negligently and a court would rule in the injured party’s favour and their claim for damages and injuries would have to be paid. If you have breached your policy terms and conditions by not patch testing then your policy would not respond to the claim and you would have to meet the costs of defending the claim, and ultimately, settle the claim yourself. Even if you are lucky enough not to injure anyone, the general public are more and more conscious of their rights and what businesses are expected to do to protect their customers. Nobody wants to be known as a therapist who cuts corners and doesn’t follow protocol because getting the business is more important than the customers safety.
Even if you are lucky enough not to injure anyone, the general public are more and more conscious of their rights and what businesses are expected to do to protect their customers.HJ Insurance see many claims where therapists and salons make comments on social media platforms commenting on someone’s professional ability because they don’t patch test or ask about contra-indications. We know people can build up a sensitivity to tints and dyes so patch testing can't prevent every claim but if you can show that you have acted professionally and patch tested as you should have you will have a better defence which could mean a claim settlement is significantly reduced or avoided altogether. The correct way to handle a client that refuses a patch test is to insist on the importance of testing for allergies to the product and refuse to treat them if they are not willing to comply. Most insurance policies will insist that you follow your training and manufacturer’s instructions and if a client refuses to let you do this then you must refuse to treat them. Yes, there is a small risk that the customer will go elsewhere but the impact to you and your business if that person ended up making a claim is a small price to pay in comparison. HJ Direct offers insurance for salon owners, self-employed hairdressers and students. For more information go to