Exclusive: akin konizi talks product development with the dyson supersonic

Published 14th Jul 2016 by maryforester
Exclusive: akin konizi talks product development with the dyson supersonic jstankard

It's been the talk of the industry as last month saw the launch of the brand new Dyson Supersonic hairdryer.

HOB Salons Creative Director, Akin Konizi worked closely with the brand to help develop the newest addition to the Dyson range. We caught up with him to see why this £299 hairdryer is set to revolutionise the industry.

How did you get involved with Dyson?

'To my surprise they came to see me, they were very cryptic about a top secret project and asked if I'd like to be involved. If I agreed, I couldn’t tell anyone or they would have to kill me!'

What was most important to you as a hairdresser when it came to developing the product?

'It was very important to me that if we were going to develop a product, it was one that was going to be based on quality and was in alignment with my commitment to the progression of our industry, and not just another hair dryer or money-spinner.'

How has your view changed, if at all, towards products in the industry through working with Dyson?

'I could never have imagined that it could take £50 million to develop a hairdryer. I knew there was more that could be done, and I was often frustrated by the slow evolution of our tools for example, scissors, combs and hairdryers. But the amount of work that has gone into it has given me a lot of respect for the engineers and also the extra work and dedication that needs to go in to make something the best it can possibly be.'

What insight did you gain into product development from working on the project?

'I have really enjoyed getting insight into a company that I have a lot of respect for. In their strive to create top products, they are constantly pushing boundaries. They showed me things I didn’t know that I didn’t know. Going to their factory was like going into NASA- it was extremely technical, advanced and top secret.'

How important is it to be using good quality products in the industry?

'I think it's essential to be using the highest quality products that we can buy. It shows our commitment to our growth as an industry and also shows respect to our clients that it’s not all about us. It's about giving them a premium service and the best products we can afford.'

What features does the Dyson Supersonic have to warrant its hefty price tag?

'It has all the features that are important. Speed, lightness, noise reduction and it's all been balanced to give the perfect result. My time and collaboration have resulted in a product that I don’t think can be improved. That kind of sums up everything that I do, there is no compromise as sometimes that can cost more.'

As a salon stylist what are the key benefits to the Dyson Supersonic? 'First and foremost, it shows you mean business and take pride in your craft. Apart from that, the dryer will speak for itself...very quietly.'



Published 14th Jul 2016

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