Tips for boosting salon referrals
21st Jul 2022
by Josie Jackson

We can add a spark to salon referrals by making three big changes:
1. Make it a campaign, not an ongoing promotion. Make every August referral month. By shortening the timescale, we can keep excitement levels higher. It also allows us to target salon referrals to a quieter time within the salon; most of our customers are mums and as soon as the kids break for summer, our bookings decline. Even better, we review our prices every March and September. If we have price-sensitive customers we encourage them to recommend some friends in August to take the sting out of our increases in September. 2. Make the programme much more generous. You can afford to. That’s because you’re wasting less money. Let me explain. Imagine you want a brand-new customer. You decide to turn to Facebook ads and run some advertisements. Let’s say that it costs you £50 for a new customer. You’re OK with that because you know that each new customer spends £50 on their first visit. You’re not making a profit on that visit, but that’s acceptable, in marketing jargon that is called a self-liquidating offer. The reason it’s acceptable as you also know that, in your salon, one in three customers who come in as a new clients turn into regular customers. Even though you’re only breaking even in the short term, in the long run you are growing. Incidentally, that’s why some businesses who know their numbers really thoroughly are OK with ‘going negative’ (or making a loss on the first visit). Salon referrals still have an upfront cost - it’s the discount you’re offering and the incentive you’re giving to the existing customer. But we can be generous due to retention rates for recommended customers being higher, usually much higher. That’s because your existing customer will only recommend new customers who they think would be a good fit, so there is much less of a wasted marketing effort. So, even though your cost to get a new client might be as high, or even higher, than placing an ad, your future profits should be much greater, too.