The first pulp riot uk squad has been announced
12th Aug 2019

After its launch in the US in 2016,
Pulp Riot arrived in the UK this May.To further cement their UK presence the colour brand has announced its UK squad of professionals.
The professional colour brand’s goal is to put the power back into the hands of the independent artist. The squad is a group of developers, content creators and educators.
The hairdressing artists will have the responsibility to share their creative artistry as well as the brand’s ethos. The team will be also inspiring hairstylists across the globe. They will be sharing their work online and in person, as well as streaming education daily and on Pulp Riot TV.
What’s more, the selected candidates will be provided with coaching, education training, mentoring and support from some of the most successful social artists to help them build their colour careers ever further. The members will have opportunities to feature at major hairdressing events and will be also supported when entering awards and competitions.
The first
Pulp Riot UK Squad has been selected by
David and Alexis Thurston, founders of Pulp Riot. They were chosen based on their personal journeys and the relationships built beyond their Instagram pages.
Get to know the Pulp Riot UK Squad:
- Heather,
- Jessie McAllister, @theantisocialhairdresser
- Tegan Robertson, @peachsodaa
- Lexie Shay Rabbett, @hairby_lexieshay
- Jen P-Turnbull, @jp.turnbull
- Tom Badger, @tombadgerhair
- Loretta Marie, @lorettamarie_hair
- Laura, @lauramaystevenshair
- Kylee, @kyleemariehair
- @verityofthevanitybox
- Hannah, @hlbutton
- Gemma, @gemmaamura
- Christabel Legrand, @Christabel_legrand
Lexie Shay Rabbett, Pulp Riot Educator and Squad member, shares her excitement to be a part of the team: “The opportunities that this has given me has completely thrown me out of my comfort zone and really allowed me, as an artist, express why I love what we do to others and show them that they can too. I never in a million years thought I'd be where I am today! So grateful!”