Life through a lens: angelo seminara’s most iconic images

The four times British Hairdresser of the Year is best known for thinking outside of the box. Here are five of his all-time favourite creations.
The innocence of simplicity

“I love this shot for its innocence and because it’s the first picture that put me on the map worldwide in hairdressing. This photograph shows that simplicity can be everything.”
Static perfection

“I wanted to create something beautiful that pleases the eye and the mind. I created a perfect haircut using a special static electricity technique. The overall look can be perceived as a sea urchin. I love this look because it’s timeless, recognisable and will still be beautiful in 100 years.”
Impossible made possible

Mother of pearl

Moth beauty

“I took inspiration from moths, which are almost the masculine form of butterflies in terms of their colouration. The texture, shape and colour are mixed together in harmony. This technique has inspired hairdressers to push themselves to colour hair in a different way. You can still see this colour on catwalks, celebrities and in magazines.”
Graphic and three-dimensional