Emma Simmons Hairstyles

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Avant-garde geometric shaping in afro hair
Avant-garde geometric shaping in afro hair
Blonde Avant-garde Geometric Shapes
Blonde Avant-garde Geometric Shapes
Avant-garde afro hair
Avant-garde afro hair
Blonde Avant-garde fringe
Blonde Avant-garde fringe
Straight Black Avant-garde fringe
Straight Black Avant-garde fringe
Sleek black bob with long fringe
Sleek black bob with long fringe
Roughly cut short hair
Roughly cut short hair
Clean cut blonde mullet
Clean cut blonde mullet
Bleach blonde bowl cut with skin fade
Bleach blonde bowl cut with skin fade
Page boy hair in jet black
Page boy hair in jet black
Geometric afro
Geometric afro
Cleanly-defined afro hair
Cleanly-defined afro hair

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