Millie bobby blonde – the stranger things star changes hue
01st Oct 2019

While blonde is typically associated with the summer sun, a host of celebrities are opting to go lighter for autumn this year from Kendall Jenner, to Mila Kunis and now Millie Bobby Brown.
The young actress hasn't updated her social media with her new hairstyle yet, the salon who transformed her hair, Y.S.V Salon and Spa, snapped the actress as the colour processed and posted the finished look.
Millie has changed her hairstyle and colour many times before, from shaving her head to play the character Eleven in Stranger Things to rocking
extensions just 5 days ago to this new colour.
Maintenance For Blonde Hair
Of course, going blonde for the first time can be tricky, so you should always encourage clients to have an in depth consultation prior to switching colour.
Warren Boodaghian head of technical at
HOB Salons says, “To maintain the new colour, always use professional hair care products that help keep the tone and nourish the hair. In between colour appointments you may need to refresh the tone. It’s important to educate clients that a
colour change is a journey and the end result might not happen in one visit.”
He continues, "The important thing to remember is suitability, take into consideration your client’s complexion and eye level. Getting the right level of blonde and tonal hue is vital; you have to create the perfect canvas to frame the face. Also think about make up and colour choice when it comes to clothing, any big colour change will have an impact on this."
Going blonde for autumn is a trend that’s bound to translate from
celebrities to your clientele but it doesn’t have to be dramatic change. Warren Boodaghian says, "Going lighter is this season's must-have colour choice and it does not have to be bleach blonde. The tonal palette for
blondes is expanding; one big trend is natural neutrals, which takes inspiration from sustainable fabrics and nature. Think organic linen blonde, bark blonde and peace Lilly white.”
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