Make your salon more energy efficient

Published 04th Jan 2011 by bathamm

bulb.jpgRunning a salon is an expensive business -did you know that a typical salon can use up to 40,000kWhs of electricity a year, costing around £4,000?

By following some simple steps you can reduce energy consumption and save an estimated £750 a year. Salon Services has teamed up with energy supplier E.ON to show you how.


It costs money to heat water, so don't let cash run down the drain - big savings are within easy reach.

  • Change the handspray on your wash units to a restrictive spray, to reduce water usage by 50%. Just swap the internal mesh with a part called a top hat, which costs around £2.95.
  • Ensure your water heaters are fitted with timers that switch off half an hour before the salon closes - this could save you hours of heating bills each month.
  • Make sure your boiler is serviced regularly - a poorly performing boiler can operate at a lower efficiency and could cost a salon hundreds of pounds a year. If you have a landlord, check to see when your boiler was last serviced.


Ensure that any loft space, walls and windows are properly insulated - your landlord may help you with this if you ask. Factor this in the next time you give your salon a makeover - it's a good time to do extra work and you'll get your money back quickly. The difference can be as much as £400 a year for a typical salon.

  • Turn down the heating thermostat. Salons are hot places with so much activity and heated appliances, all of which generate further heat.
  • Consider fitting over-door heating, which creates a barrier that helps to stop heat escaping from the salon.
  • Replace all your lighting with low-energy bulbs, which are cost efficient and will last much longer.
  • You can also zone your salon - only lighting those areas that you use most often, and turning off lights in the staff room when it is empty.


  • Be energy efficient with your appliances - don't leave anything on standby and unplug equipment, such as electric clipper chargers, which use energy even when not charging.
  • Make sure you look at the energy efficiency rating of appliances when you replace them. 'A' rated appliances will make significant savings on energy bills.

Shout about it

Karen Knee, director of marketing at Salon Services, says: "You can make a real virtue of your approach to energy efficiency - marketing your stance on preserving the environment. This is a powerful selling point which can set you aside from your peers and make you stand out from the crowd."



Published 04th Jan 2011

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