Hj insider: how's the next phase of the pandemic affecting your business?
16th Oct 2020

This month’s HJ Insider Survey, asked HJ’s readers to share how the next phase of the pandemic is affecting you, your team and clients as well as how your business in September compared to the same period last year. This month we've asked
hair salon business consultant Ryan Fox to analyse the results for us...
HJ Insider: Next Phase of the Pandemic in numbers
When did the post-lockdown rush end for you?

With 65% of salons saying the initial rush following lockdown ended by either July or August for them, it’s clear you cant just rely on clients coming back on their own accord and much of this “rush” is just because they couldn’t have a proper cut or colour during lockdown. This quarter – October to December will be very telling as to what the longer-term impact is on salons.
Did you extend your working days/hours when you reopened?

It looks like the extension of hours (75% say they extended hours) which was necessary for many salons on reopening and had an overall positive effect on business, will be coming to an end with 70% of salons saying they will not be continuing the extended hours.
What are the biggest issues facing your business right now?

With the number one issue being unfilled appointment slots and the third biggest issue being clients cancelling or postponing appointments, it's clear that this September has been very different from the norm and 68% of salons in the survey reveal their appointments and retail are down on last September. This signals that salons need to be more proactive with their communications and marketing in order to keep clients coming back.
Does your business have enough cash to survive another lockdown?

It’s possible there could be another national lockdown and there will certainly be more local lockdowns and 29% of salons report they have already been affected by these. With 66% of salons saying that don’t have enough cash to last another lockdown, now is the time to protect your cashflow more than ever and, with the end of the furlough scheme, you need to ensure you are not carrying team members who don’t have enough work.
HJ Insider: Your business in September in numbers
Post-lockdown strategy:
Strategies brought in to manage the lockdown and the “post lockdown rush” now need to be adjusted to match the new normal. Many salons switched off their promotions and some automated email and texts that remind clients to book in on their cycle – these now need to be brought back, but perhaps adjusted to a new normal.
METHODOLOGY: Insider is compiled from a monthly survey of HJ readers. The people who participated represent a cross-section of the industry and were polled by email. The figures given represent the average score for each answer.
Click here for more information on how salons have adapted to the 'new normal' since reopening.
Ryan Fox is a Hair & Beauty Salon Consultant who offers practical help to salon owners to get them through COVID-19. For more info visit www.umbrellaconsulting.co.uk