A busy few months for hj’s british hairdresser of the year sally brooks
19th May 2018

This last few months have been busier than ever for HJ’s 2017 British Hairdresser of the year, Sally Brooks, who, as well as seeing her loyal clientele, has been flying the flag for British hairdressing and mentoring the next generation.
The month started with a show in the UK which gave us an opportunity to talk all things hair – we talked about our business, the challenges and opportunities and what the future holds. It was nice to sit down and be interviewed about how we got to where we are today – you need to do that sometimes to appreciate what you have achieved. We’re all so busy you need an excuse to sit down and think it’s all been worthwhile! It was also nice to see Marlon Hawkins and Grace Dalgleish on stage on behalf of Brooks & Brooks, presenting their innovative colour ideas and talk about their inspirations. In fact, they did so well they’ve been invited to take the show to China next month!

I am incredibly passionate about hairdressing as a career and the opportunities it can bring. There is no other industry like it, but we’re not very good at shouting about how great it is, hence we are in a recruitment crisis. We don’t tell people how rewarding it can be, how many career avenues there are or how exciting every day can be. So, this past few months I have embarked upon a project that I have wanted to do for some time. I have been travelling the country talking to hairdressers from all walks of life about their journeys, their passions and their stories for a special project about the industry. I have been privileged and humbled to meet so many great people who are only too willing to tell their story. Keep tuned about when you can see this special documentary!
Jamie and myself were judges at the Southern Regional Final of L’Oreal Colour Trophy. I always enjoy judging competitions as it’s great to see the raw talent and see people’s concepts and visions come to life. Two of our stylists, Grace and Marlon, entered the London Regional Final the following day. It’s important to enter these type of competitions as it allows stylists to sometimes be more creative than they can be in the salon and it’s good for their nerves to step outside their comfort zone!

Since winning British Hairdresser of the Year I’ve been busy doing interviews with journalists from magazines as far afield as Australia. This month I have been interviewed by hair magazines in Russia, Asia, Norway and Croatia about my win, my career and British hairdressing.

Finally a bit of sun – we joined 100 other salon owners on the L’Oréal Portfolio Congress in Majorca. It’s a great opportunity to hear how business is for other salons and swap stories, as well as hear presentations from speakers outside the industry. And of course, it’s nice to have a few days in the sun to recharge the batteries before it all gets busy again!
Find out more about the Brooks & Brooks team: brooksandbrooks.co.uk Instagram: @brookshair