Get ready to lift your clients' spirits with these pops of colour
10th Jun 2020

Practise how to lift your client’s spirits once lockdown ends with Advanced Pro Salon’s cute pastel shades that are guaranteed to add the perfect pop of colour.
Easter weekend sparked the beginning of summer vibes and a desire for light, bright, colourful hair to lift the mood.
salons reopen pastels will be the perfect way to deliver a beautiful pop of colour that can be easily toned up or down to suit all moods and styles.
Why pastels will be popular post-editorial

Soft candy shades deliver deliciously teasing sugar rushes of colour reminiscent of a boutique patisserie packed full with macaroons, iced buns and unicorn frosted cupcakes, or family trips to the British seaside. Pastels are extremely versatile, with so many application methods on offer from multi-coloured through to colour correction, this shade family is more useful than you might think. For those who aren’t quite brave enough to live with the bold statements that extreme shades deliver, pastels will gently ease. clients into the world of colour, with a shade that isn’t going to last too long and will fade well over time.
Choosing the right pastel shades for your clients
Choosing a style to suit your client is key, but as it is not a permanent choice, your client can be encouraged to experiment outside of their comfort zone.
Provide a subtle hint of colour

If your client prefers to be subtle, bring a hint of colour to an icy blonde with a short development as a global application, or from the mid-lengths through to the ends, adding another dimension when it catches the light. Floss Pink is ideal for this type of application, with a touch of warmth. Equally you can introduce hints of pastel shades in alternate sections from root to ends, as a root melt into a light base tone, or a blending melt from mid-lengths to ends. These are a good starting point if you don't want to jump into full colour coverage.
If you have a blonde which is a touch warmer than you’d like, a pastel shade can also be used as a colour corrector. Following the principles of the colour wheel, you can apply ColourCode Sugar Violet to calm warmth, similar to a violet shampoo in essence.
Experiment with unicorn shades

Pastels really deliver when the development time is extended to intensify the colour. Either as a single colour global application, or more commonly a combination across the pastel range to deliver a multi-tonal feast ranging from pink, blue and purple for standout unicorn hair.
Mono shades or multi-coloured combinations can also work well with a peekaboo style, sitting underneath a flawless blonde with teasing hints of colour and dynamic movement as you move and the hair separates.
Explore richer hues

Pastels can work just as well on a mid-level base tone to bring a whole new depth to the candy shades, delivering richer custom shades, which can feed through into the autumn and winter months. Pastels work exceptionally well across all styles, lengths and skin tones. The shades will add a pop of fun to short choppy styles, peekaboo mid-lengths and colour melts on long and loose flowing hair.
During lockdown, ColourCode pastels can be ordered directly from Advanced Pro Salon HQ. Call
01429 812 400 if you wish to experiment on a mannequin head at home.
This is a sponsored post by Advanced Pro Salon